Week off!!!

Tomorrow will mark the first day of my July 4 vacation and will see me….at work. D’oh!!! Haha. I will be there to clean teeth for my coworker(s) and potentially get mine done too. My mom doesn’t seem to want to come, and I don’t seem to want to go out to lunch thereafter, so I’m taking the opportunity to meet up with my mom at my grandparents’ house so I can finally do what they want me to do which is chop up some bushes for them–my specialty!! That way they can yak with my mom, listen to the CDs I bought them, see my dogs (if my mom decides to bring them) and overall just see us. Hopefully it’ll be a nice day…I thought I saw that it might rain or something. The rest of week? Well I originally was supposed to help a friend move into an apartment, but I think I’d just add to the confusion and existing stress of the move itself. We had planned on hitting Sandy Springs in MD, but considering that she’s jumping right into work soon, I thought it’d be a better choice to give them some space at first to get accustomed and unpacked and all. You know, instead of showing up and being like “haaaaay, entertain me!” I figure she’ll be here for a little while at least, right? We have other opportunities.

I’m heading down south Thursday when I may or may not have a date that evening, and then maybe my mom and brother might come down on Friday for a July 4 celebration thing. I’m supposed to be doing some yard work, which may or may not get done considering I’ve been spending so much money lately. And speaking of money, I have to drop a bomb of load on Monday the 6, the very end of my vacation, by bringing my car in to have it serviced. WHY do these things cost so much….? Thankfully, Car Guy helped me sort through some of what needs to be done and what doesn’t need to be done. Seriously. He offered to do the AC check and stuff for me ($150 value!) for like $5. All I have to do is drive up to MD. I’ll have to tell him that he needs to buy that house faster so I can come to his place to have my car done. lol.

In good news, I’ve been doing yard work!!! and I found a project to keep me occupied here at my mom’s! Sadly (as it always does) it will cost me money, but I think I can make the back “patio” better! More good news is that Liana is now eating!!!! I have to keep reminding myself not to spoil her too much. They’ve both been having a serious cabin fever streak. She started snapping out of her moroseness after I took them out to the battlefield…it seems she was just really depressed since I haven’t been taking as many trips. I tells ya, there was NO ONE at the park when I went yesterday morning! Normally there are cars in the park, there was literally no one. When I left only 2 showed up. MAN. So I took the opportunity to go to the lesser parking areas that would be difficult with more traffic. Let’s just say there’s a reason they’re smaller.

That ends my life portion of the blog. Originally I was going to do a more blog-like post in regards to recent headline news, but I am way too tired! Gnight!

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